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CMS Pages

It’s critical to include the terms and conditions specific to your company. Explaining the due process to potential users reduces your responsibility and helps people understand the privacy standards. Using the terms and conditions integration, you can require that a prospective customer agree to your marketplace terms and conditions before signing up.

Within the CMS page features, the admins possess the capacity to efficiently manage a range of essential components, including:

Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
Customer Privacy Policy
Restaurant Privacy Policy
About Us
Data Deletion Policy

By adding additional content pages to the marketplace, dashboard administrators can change the marketplace’s visual elements and improve the user experience. Admin can personalize their websites with these changes. The admin is given the ability to simply update and manage these crucial platform components thanks to this capability.

CMS Feature

Setting up Terms & Conditions for your store

Quickdelivery lets the account holder add separate Terms and Conditions for the Customers and Merchants. After logging in to your Account, go to the Dashboard. Here is the process to add Terms and Conditions on your marketplace.

  • Start by entering the business details.
  • Adding the Company Name, Website Address, and Date of Establishment is mandatory.
  • Once done, click on Save.

Congratulations! You’ve created Terms & Conditions for new clients successfully. Customers can only create an account on your marketplace if they agree to your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Customers are taken directly to the Terms & Conditions link you created earlier when they click on the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy. You have moved one step closer to launching your online business with Quickorders.

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How to Operate CMS Pages

How to Operate CMS Pages