Why 90% of Startups Fail- Here’s The Cause & Its Solution!

Why 90% of Startups Fail- Here’s The Cause & Its Solution!
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    June 5, 2023 Last Updated: August 23, 2023



Only one startup out of ten survives, with the other nine going out of business within the first two years. Your knowledge of the primary failure-causing risks could have a significant impact on whether your own IT endeavor is successful. A lot more work goes into starting a business than most people realize. It is uncommon for a company to be so in tune with its specialty that it can glide by with no effort. However, why do so many companies fail? The United States currently has 31.7 million small enterprises, which account for 99.9% of all firms there. The failure rate of startups can reach 90%, depending on the parameters that are used to categorize them. But why do startups fail... Let’s figure it out!

business tips for startups

For aspiring business owners, the success of previous businesses, freedom, and the prospect of a brighter future are frequently quite alluring. You can argue that you are living the dream if you include the idea of turning your passion into a business. Every month, a lot of small enterprises are launched, yet a lot of them fail. A small firm is one that employs fewer than 500 people, according to the Small Firm Administration (SBA).  It follows that many companies, despite appearing to be quite huge, are actually "small" firms. Business founders claim that reasons for failure include running out of money, being in the wrong market, lacking research, poor alliances, inefficient marketing, and lacking industry expertise. Here are some business tips for startups to avoid failure with goal-setting, thorough research, enjoying your work, and perseverance.

9 Common Reasons - "Why Do Startups Fail"!!


Some industries often have higher success rates for startups than others. According to data from the Statistic Brain Data Institute, 63% of information-related firms fail within four years. This statistic is not encouraging for Silicon Valley start-ups or other small enterprises. The lowest failure rate, 42%, was observed in the same period for startups in the fields of finance, insurance, and real estate. The relative stability of these industries benefits companies operating in the startup ecosystem.

Why do a large majority of firms fail even when they have the right business model? Here are a few reasons!

why do startups fail

1 Miscalculation of the Market’s Size

Many business owners enter a startup fired up about a fresh concept and with lofty goals of selling a million units in the first year, but without having a clear understanding of the market need for their product. Without complete understanding, it is impossible to generate genuine innovation. Startup owners assume that everyone must want their newest gadget or gizmo, and if they can secure a few investors to give enough venture cash flow issues. They can stay in business for a while before realizing they won’t ever earn the kind of profit they anticipate. It’s understandable that many businesses struggle to precisely predict their prospects of success given how complicated the market is. Although there are theories and techniques that can offer insights into the likelihood of entrepreneurial success, there are many instances when it is really impossible to predict success or failure until the product is launched, at which point you can only wait to see how it performs.

2 Lack of Leadership

Partnership issues and leadership issues are frequently misunderstood but both are major reasons why startups fail. The two are occasionally connected. It is possible to have poor or no partnerships at all and still experience leadership issues. Know-it-all leaders are warning signs of a failed startup. They might be experts in one area and have found success there. This can give people a false sense of assurance. They can think that success will be theirs no matter where they go or what they do. Failure-prone leaders are more effective and are less likely to have their startups fail. They have acquired expertise in managing crises and have learned some difficult lessons. Leaders who have never failed frequently lack the ability to weather life’s storms and endure. A leader may be an authority in the industry or service the company provides, but that does not automatically equate to business expertise. They need to understand that they don’t know everything and work on the right business model.

3 Adapting Market Circumstances

Sometimes those participating in a startup have a good understanding of the industry, but before they are well-established enough to withstand changes, the market conditions alter. A prime illustration of how shifting market conditions led to numerous firms struggling or failing was the coronavirus pandemic. Many restaurants and retail establishments experienced a significant drop in activity due to closures and capacity limitations, and it took many months for some customers to feel secure enough to return.

The massive market changes were too much for some firms to handle in their early stages when they had little profit to fall back on and no established client base, and the entire endeavor amounted to false stats. Now that small businesses are experiencing a labor crisis, some have been compelled to reduce employee hours or make do with a smaller workforce to handle crucial facets of the company. Especially for those brands that were already having trouble prior to the pandemic, these difficulties will undoubtedly result in failure patterns that could persist for a very long time. They need to consider some business tips for startups according to market conditions.

4 Failed Partnerships

When co-founders of a startup don’t get along, success is frequently difficult or impossible. For partnerships that are not based on the same vision and set of principles, communication issues can be very problematic. Having varied but complementary talents and limitations is usually better for the startup than having partners that are precisely identical. However, they must have the same vision and objectives for the business. Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to confrontation. Typically, partnerships don’t have a horrible beginning. However, as time passes, some partners come to realize that their interests and objectives for the firm don’t match up properly. At this point, the startup is in danger of failing unless its leadership can come up with a shared strategy for moving forward.

5 Technical Implementation

Innovative technologies, some of which can be fairly complex and difficult to handle, are frequently used by IT startups. To address this issue, it could be a good idea to think about IT outsourcing businesses. Outsourcers frequently have a broad perspective on technology and project management as well as pertinent experience. Access to a sizable market of software development experts with specialized industry knowledge can only be possible with IT outsourcing. Software engineers, project managers, QA engineers, etc. have unique industry experience that can help you avoid decision-making errors and prevent inadequate or improper use of a technology or development process, which can result in technical problems and startup project failure. A startup project also gains significantly from having its own CTO (chief technology officer) in terms of technical execution and project management. A business becomes successful with the right app development solutions.

6 Loss of Enthusiasm

The problem with many business founders’ attention spans is that they fall in love with a concept, but before it can fully develop, they tire of it and want to move on to the next big thing. A startup is more likely to fail if the leadership of the company loses interest in the idea or product or burns out on it too soon. In some instances, the startup’s founders can sell it to someone else so that they can run with their idea or incorporate it into their own concept. Few business owners who burn out or lose their enthusiasm for their work ever regain it (at least not for the initial idea), which is a sad fact. Due to the creative and restless attitude of many startup founders, the desire to move on to something new has long been a significant contributor to venture failure.

7 Bad Market Launch

Even when a firm has a fantastic idea, there are occasions when the timing of a significant product launch or marketing campaign is poor. Unfortunately, it might just take one terrible decision for the firm to fail if investors find out about it and decide to leave. Some concepts, such as Ask Jeeves a forerunner of Google, were simply launched before their time. Although there was a clear demand for the service, not enough people realized it, or they thought it was too “out there” because there was nothing else like it at the time. From a scheduling standpoint, several concepts have been unsuccessfully promoted, such as launching a holiday-themed marketing campaign after the holidays or attempting to conduct a significant product launch without creating any buzz about the product.

8 NO Goals

Startups must specify the objectives and benchmarks they intend to reach. It’s a good idea to put your goals down on paper and make a schedule for achieving them. To attain a specified dollar amount in sales by a particular date is an example of a timetable goal. Other objectives can be to achieve a certain profit margin at a certain period or season. Add marketing objectives as well. For instance, decide to reach a certain number of followers on a particular social media platform at particular times. Getting distribution contracts is one example of a milestone timeline marker. They may also incorporate thresholds for expansion or production levels.

9 Financial Problems

Startups frequently prioritize revenues over profits. Cash flow issues may emerge from this.
Shortly after that, financial difficulty sets in. It’s not necessarily a good thing to grow too quickly. We covered a few companies that collapsed because they grew too quickly and then failed to maintain the pace in our piece on failing startups. The key is to have a well-designed company strategy with set goals and a budget. A team that has the self-control to keep to the budget will perform better. The revenues will adjust themselves if you concentrate on making money. Control the cash flow issues and growth rate.


Identify & Learn from Your Mistakes- 5 Business Tips for Startups


It appears that most companies are doomed to failure. But there are important things to remember if you want to avoid joining the 20% of startups that fail right away. These typical reasons for startup failure might appear obvious. The issue is that a startup can be destroyed by only one of them. Therefore, it’s crucial to be impartial. Look over your startup and find the weak points. Obtain a person’s outsider’s viewpoint. Find out what other people think the startup’s biggest danger is. Ask yourself: What do I not know? What subjects will demand outside knowledge? What are my shortcomings as a leader? How will the group work together? How will that failure be helpful for a startup? Here are some solutions for startup failure and business tips for startups

  • Be Clear About Your Needs and Wants!!! Without a purpose, you’re merely circling in circles.
  • Do your homework and become an expert in your market. Be aware of what clients desire. Recognize that they’ll only pay $9 and not $10. Know their earnings, their aspirations, and what drives them. The more you are able to sell them, the more you will know.
  • If you don’t love what you do, it will come through in your work. Your company cannot just be a job for you; it must be your passion.
  • With a cloud phone system, any mobile device may serve as your business phone, keeping you close to your “desk.” Your people can call you and you can reach them regardless of where you are—in the office, during client meetings, or anywhere else.
  • Don’t give up! No matter how successful your firm is, there will be periods when it struggles. There will be times when things seem to be moving slowly and you wonder if you made the right choice. It’s time to work more, put in more hours, and make it happen.

There will be errors, miscalculations, and failures in any startup. The majority of startups have multiple ups and downs along the way rather than a clear path to success. Failure to learn from unavoidable mistakes and make adjustments to improve performance is one of the most frequent causes of startup failure. Numerous companies fail in the first few years, proving that many factors must be favorable for a company to be successful. Fortunately, 80% of businesses succeed in the first year, and you may be one of them. Startups must be persistent in order to succeed, but if changes aren’t made to better ways of doing things, they risk going out of business. Only a good business plan and wise decisions along the road can make persistence successful. Follow the advice given above to do this, but the most essential thing to remember is to test your idea, conduct your research, go for mobile app solutions, and confirm its viability before moving forward.


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Some claim that a startup needs both strong marketing and bookkeeping skills to succeed. This emphasizes a few points even though it might be oversimplified. Though the company concept may be brilliant, the idea, product, or service must also be marketable. Even if the product is subpar, you will still succeed if it sells better than a better product that isn’t well-marketed.

No matter how much money is coming in, keeping to a budget is essential. Mobile startups fail in four out of five cases due to inadequate planning and design errors. The causes of startup failure are widespread and obvious. This implies that the secrets of success are obvious and readily available. Failure has apparent root reasons, including cash flow issues, relationship conflict, and poor leadership. New businesses have the potential to increase earnings exponentially while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life. For this reason, a startup’s founder must be passionate about bringing their product to market and love what they do. Reduce the hazards by organizing and thinking carefully. Asking for assistance and guidance is a highly effective startup failure prevention strategy.


Get Ready For Success


Successful startups are those who can see new opportunities, quickly adapt to changing market conditions, and innovate to stay one step ahead of the competition. Pivoting is the process of making significant adjustments to a startup’s service or good, customer base, or revenue model. Startups must be flexible and willing to pivot whenever necessary if they are to avoid failure and have long-term success. It’s the right time to launch your venture with excellent app development solutions. We have some of them prebuilt for you. Get in touch with our team and see which product suits your business the best.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

There are many other reasons why startups fail, including a lack of funding, poor management, a failure to find a market fit, fierce competition, and an inability to scale. Running out of money, having trouble attracting clients, and legal issues are other issues.

Lack of funds can cause a business to fail by prohibiting it from creating its product or service, selecting top employees, or from making marketing investments. Without enough money, a company may not be able to attract investors or secure loans, leaving it without the resources needed to grow and compete in the market.

Startups should avoid the issues of overconfidence and overestimating their potential success by conducting in-depth market research and analysis, soliciting advice from clients and industry specialists, and remaining open to criticism and constructive criticism. It’s also essential to have a workable company plan and the adaptability to shift directions and make adjustments as needed.

If a startup’s product or service doesn’t meet customers’ demands, it could fail. It could be challenging to bring in new clients, keep existing ones, make money, or achieve long-term success without a product or service that appeals to customers. Startups must produce products or services that address the demands of clients and practical issues.

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